You are on the road to meet one of your clients and during your trip, you want to make some last minute changes on your presentation. So, how do I edit my document, directly in my smartphone?
With Microsoft PowerPoint, you can insert a video and play it directly in the slides of your presentation.
Do you want to make your presentation more aesthetically pleasing to catch the eye of your colleagues? Microsoft PowerPoint has many features to create beautiful presentations!
An organizational chart makes it easier for you to present your company's organizational structure. With Microsoft 365, learn how to create one in just a few clicks.
Have you heard of “Microsoft Teams whiteboard," "Sharing Microsoft PowerPoint presentations” or "Co-editing" by any chance? Now, let's see how these new features also revolutionize the way we run face-to-face meetings!
What is OneDrive ?
Use Copilot with Right-Click
Create and modify a group
Edit, Delete a Share
Introduction to Power Bi
Activate the features of Teams Premium
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