This course will help you better understand how to use your Teams application from your smartphone.
Explore the prerogatives and responsibilities of each Team owner.
Empower the workforce by providing a hub for teamwork. Learn how to use Microsoft Teams, the must-have collaboration solution!
Private channels in Teams, what will this change?
This course helps you discover advanced features and tips to improve your efficiency and save time.
The planning and management of meetings is less and less the exclusivity of assistants; Today, it is crucial to know how to organize and manage online meetings.
Learn how to use Microsoft Teams meetings features to optimize your remote meetings.
You use Teams on a daily basis and want to better understand how to secure the documents and information you share with your colleagues. In this course, discover the different ways this app protects your documents and information!
In this course, delve deeper into Teams to optimize the efficiency of your teams and conversations, and make your meetings more productive.
Eliminate context-switching and drive deeper Teams adoption. This app has a similar look and feel to other Microsoft products. Check out our webinar for ways to boost productivity in Microsoft Teams with advanced features like message actions, tabs, cards and more.
In this course, learn the fundamentals of Microsoft Teams: communicate in real-time, manage your teams, and collaborate effectively during meetings.
In this webinar, we discuss best practices for using Microsoft Teams. Afterwards, keep these good practices at your fingertips for effective collaboration in real time!
Dive into advanced features such as live event management, third-party app integration, and security from team creation. Boost collaboration and productivity starting today.
In this course, master Teams telephony: calls, forwarding, settings, and mobile use. Ideal for professionals on the move.
This module aims to raise awareness about the ecological impact of digital technology.
Discover the features of Teams Premium in 10 short videos!
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