Microsoft Word Video Training – Intermediate
Microsoft Word Video Training – Intermediate
- 0h 49 min
- Viewed 2084 times
Training Theme
Through a series of instruction videos, learn how to use Word features.
At the end of this training, you will be able to create and format documents, including page setup, document themes, inserting headers and footers, page numbers and watermarks along with configuring documents to print and save in remote locations and alternate file formats.
Learn how to quickly add styles and tables of contents in your documents.
Training Objectives
You regularly create personalized documents of huge volume and want to use Microsoft Word more efficiently.
At the end of this course, you will know:
- How to efficiently create personalized documents of huge volume
- How to save valuable time on the writing and layout of your documents
- How to improve the accessibility of your documents
Prerequisite and Target Audience
Target audience: Users who have to write documents of huge volume
Startup Level: Intermediate
Prerequisite: Master independently the basic uses of Internet browsing and the uses of your computer. Basic knowledge of the tool is recommended
Means and Methods
- E-Learning Modules: A video series to help you achieve the defined educational objective.
Training Content
3 Use Case Videos
- Finding a suitable document template
- Sharing a file from a smartphone
- Accessing Office from 5 Different Terminals
16 Video Tutorials on Microsoft Word broken down into 3 lessons
- Discovery
- Faster shape formatting and new and modern chart types
- Copy & Paste
- Customize your document
- Add headers, footers, margins, and rulers to a page
- Ink Equation
- Custom margin
- Custom margin - Default margin
- Custom margin - Headers and footers
- Use landscape and portrait orientation
- Management of long documents
- Collapsible headings
- Collaborate and Edit a Document
- Improved version history
- Track changes
- Track changes online
- Track changes in email with multiple people
- Working with watermarks
- Working with watermarks
- Add a logo or other picture
- More things you can do with pictures
- New Word Features
- Chat with co-authors while editing
- 3D Models
- Edit document with natural gestures
- Translate your Word documents into any language
- Pin your important files
Learn more about Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word processing has improved and it made the work of typing definitely faster and more convenient. This app lets you create simple word-processing documents like letter and reports and make them as basic or as jazzed-up as you wish — you can add color, use clip art, write in a variety of fonts and sizes, and use tables, borders and bullet formatting.
Microsoft Word is a great tool as typing is faster than ever, it is easy to correct mistakes by just hitting the back space or delete button. There are templates for any type of document and mail merge from a database so that you can easily send out the letters to multiple people at a time.
You can align the text whether at the center, right, left or justified. Adjusting the margins takes just one click. Spelling and grammatical mistakes are pointed out instantly with helpful correction suggestions.
Microsoft Word is the most popular word processor both in the past and in the present. It remains the top choice among the different word processors available. It is an indispensable tool for most computer users.
0h 49 min