Microsoft 365 Video Training – Security in Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 Video Training – Security in Microsoft 365
- 1h 43 min
- Viewed 2802 times
Training Theme
You use Microsoft 365 suite apps in your day-to-day work, whether it's communicating with your internal or external employees, sharing files and keeping them in dedicated storage spaces, or organizing online meetings. All these interactions contain important information that needs to be secured.
In this course, learn about the security features in four of Microsoft 365’s apps: the Microsoft Teams collaboration and communication tool, the Microsoft Outlook mailbox, the Microsoft OneDrive individual storage space, and the Microsoft SharePoint collaborative storage space. These apps have their own properties but are also interconnected: the parameters of each of them influencing the operation of the others. It is therefore appropriate to have an overview of them.
Training Objectives
You're using the Microsoft 365 suite and need to know how to improve the security of your data.
At the end of this training, you will know:
- How to expand the security features and settings in the four Microsoft 365 apps: Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft SharePoint, and Microsoft OneDrive
- The existing links between these applications and learn how to use them together in a secure way
- How to identify the basic key practices to secure your office uses
Prerequisite and Target Audience
Target audience: Users who want to learn and take advantage of Microsoft 365 built-in security features
Startup Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Prerequisite: Master independently the basic uses of computer navigation and the uses of your computer
Means and Methods
- E-Learning Modules: A video series to help you achieve the defined educational objective.
- Documents and other materials: Additional information or educational activities to complement this course.
Training Content
38 Video Tutorials on Security in Outlook, OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint broken down into 7 lessons
- Secure your Microsoft 365 account
- Concept of Multi-Factor Authentication
- Manual Activation of Multi-Factor Authentication
- Turn on Multi-Factor Authentication in the Admin Section
- Guide to Using the Microsoft Authenticator App
- Sharing options
- Manage Access
- Change access rights
- How to protect my document with a password
- How to avoid the excessive sharing of my document
- File request
- Privacy and security in OneDrive
- A brief background on best safety practices
- Different ways to share a document with OneDrive
- Recover deleted items
- Restore OneDrive
- Privacy and security in Outlook
- General security practices in Outlook
- How to protect an email by encryption?
- How do I prevent the transfer of an email?
- How do I recognize a fraudulent email?
- How do I block a sender?
- How do I share a document securely with Outlook?
- Privacy and security in SharePoint
- Do I share with OneDrive, SharePoint, or TEAMS?
- Understanding the different types and roles of team sites in SharePoint
- Granting access to the SharePoint site to someone outside the company
- Sharing a folder or document with someone outside the company
- Checking the granted shares
- Restricting a document to read-only mode (Extract a document)
- Restoring an earlier version of your document
- Recovering deleted items (Recycle bin and Second-stage recycle bin)
- Privacy and security - Site owner
- Creating a permission group
- Creating a personalized permission level
- Targeting content using a specific audience
- Security in Teams
- Understanding and securing information sharing in your instant chats
- Secure your teams in Microsoft TEAMS as you create them
- Private channels and privacy rules
- Create private channels
- Create and manage team channel
- Restrict a folder/document to certain members of your team
- Restrict a document to reading only
- Protect a document shared by password
2 Course Knowledge Validation Quiz
Learn more about Microsoft 365
With Microsoft 365, you have all the applications you need to collaborate, work together on documents, communicate internally, but also with people outside your company.
With the growing number of online communication, it becomes essential to have a good understanding of the tools used, as well as to know how to use them securely.
The existing links between the different Microsoft 365 services offer many possibilities in terms of organization, considerable time-saving online communication and data sharing security.
The Microsoft 365 suite manages the security of your information and the information you share at all times. This gives you peace of mind on a daily basis when interacting with your internal or external employees.
1h 43 min