OneDrive - Restore Your OneDrive Space Tutorial

Learn how to fully restore your OneDrive in case of deletion, damage, or malware infection. This action allows you to revert to a previous version of your files and folders up to 30 days back.

  • 01:42

Objectifs :

This document aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to restore OneDrive files that have been deleted, replaced, damaged, or infected by malware. It outlines the steps to revert your OneDrive storage to a previous state, ensuring users can recover their important files effectively.

Chapitres :

  1. Introduction to OneDrive Restoration
    OneDrive is a cloud storage service that allows users to store and manage files online. However, there may be instances where files are deleted, replaced, or compromised by malware. In such cases, restoring your OneDrive to a previous state can be crucial. This guide will walk you through the restoration process, enabling you to recover your files efficiently.
  2. Reasons for Restoration
    There are several reasons you might need to restore your OneDrive files, including: - Files being deleted accidentally. - Files being replaced or damaged. - Infection by malware. Restoring your OneDrive allows you to revert to a previous state, undoing all changes made since the selected restoration date.
  3. Restoration Timeframe
    You can restore your OneDrive to a previous state within a timeframe of up to 30 days. This means you can select a date within the last month to revert your files and folders to their earlier versions.
  4. Steps to Restore OneDrive
    To initiate the restoration process, follow these steps: 1. Go to your OneDrive settings. 2. Click on 'Restore your OneDrive.' 3. Choose the date from which you want to start the restoration. 4. A timeline will display recent changes made to your OneDrive, along with a list of modified documents. 5. Review the timeline to identify any unusual activity. 6. If you have been infected by malware, select the appropriate restoration date. 7. When ready, click on 'Restore.' 8. Your OneDrive will revert to the state it was in before the selected date.
  5. Undoing a Restoration
    If you change your mind about the restoration you just performed, you can easily undo it. To do this: - Return to the restoration menu. - Select the last action you performed. This will revert your OneDrive to the state it was in before the most recent restoration.
  6. Conclusion
    Restoring your OneDrive is a straightforward process that can help you recover lost or compromised files. By following the outlined steps, you can ensure that your important documents are safe and accessible. Remember to regularly check your OneDrive activities to identify any unusual changes and take action promptly.


How can I restore my OneDrive files?

To restore your OneDrive files, go to your OneDrive settings and click on 'Restore your OneDrive.' Choose the date from which you want to start the restoration, and then click 'Restore' to revert your files to that state.

What happens when I restore my OneDrive?

Restoring your OneDrive will undo all changes made to your files and folders from the restoration date you choose, effectively returning them to their previous state.

Can I restore OneDrive files from more than 30 days ago?

No, you can only restore your OneDrive files to a state from up to 30 days prior to the current date.

What should I do if my OneDrive is infected with malware?

If your OneDrive is infected with malware, you can restore it to a date before the infection occurred. Select the appropriate date during the restoration process to remove the malware.

Is it possible to undo a restoration in OneDrive?

Yes, if you change your mind about a restoration, you can undo it by returning to the OneDrive settings and selecting the last action you performed.

Quelques cas d'usages :

Recovering from Data Loss

If a user accidentally deletes important files from OneDrive, they can restore their storage to a previous date to recover those files, ensuring that critical data is not permanently lost.

Mitigating Malware Attacks

In the event of a malware infection, a user can restore their OneDrive to a date before the infection occurred, effectively removing the malicious files and restoring their data integrity.

Monitoring File Changes

Users can utilize the timeline feature during restoration to monitor recent changes in their OneDrive, helping them identify any unauthorized or unusual activities that may require further investigation.

Managing Storage Space

By regularly restoring OneDrive to previous states, users can manage their storage space effectively, ensuring that only relevant and necessary files are retained.

Collaborative Work Recovery

In a team environment, if collaborative files are altered or deleted, team members can restore the OneDrive to a previous date to recover the original versions, maintaining project continuity.

Glossaire :


A cloud storage service from Microsoft that allows users to store files and data online, access them from any device, and share them with others.


The process of returning files and folders to a previous state or version, undoing any changes made after a specified date.


Malicious software designed to harm, exploit, or otherwise compromise the integrity of a computer system or network.

Storage Space

The amount of data that can be stored in a cloud service like OneDrive, typically measured in gigabytes (GB) or terabytes (TB).


A visual representation of events or changes that have occurred over a specific period, allowing users to track modifications in their OneDrive.


To reverse a previous action, such as a restoration, allowing users to return to the state before the action was taken.

damaged or infected by malware,
you can restore your entire storage space to a previous time.
This action will undo all changes made to your
files and folders from the restoration date you choose.
You can go back up to 30 days to perform a one drive restoration.
To start, go to your onedrive settings and click on Restore your onedrive.
Begin by choosing the date from which you want to start the restoration.
A timeline representing the recent changes that have
occurred in your onedrive space will be displayed
along with a list of documents that have been modified.
This allows you to get an overview of your
onedrive activities and easily identify any unusual activity.
In case you have been infected by malware,
select the date from which you want to restore.
Note that all activities that occurred after this date will be erased.
When you are ready, click on restore.
Your one drive will be restored to the state
it was in before the first activity you selected.
If you change your mind about the restoration you just performed,
you can undo it by returning to this menu
and selecting the last action you just performed.
This will correspond to the previous restoration

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