Flow / Power Automate - Share Power Automate Flows Tutorial

Discover the possibilities for managing and sharing Power Automate flows. Learn how to create, copy, and share flows, as well as the limitations and considerations when sending copies to colleagues. Explore the options to define co-owners, share ownership with SharePoint, and grant execution-only access for specific types of flows. Unlock the essential functionalities for seamless flow sharing!

  • 02:20

Objectifs :

This document aims to provide a comprehensive overview of managing and sharing flows in Power Automate, highlighting key functionalities and best practices for effective collaboration.

Chapitres :

  1. Introduction to Flow Management
    In Power Automate, managing and sharing flows is essential for collaboration and efficiency. This guide explores the various options available for users to handle their flows effectively.
  2. Accessing Your Flows
    Users can find all their flows in the 'My Flow' section. This includes scheduled, recurring, or automated flows, allowing for easy management and oversight.
  3. Creating a Copy of an Existing Flow
    To create a new flow with the same structure as an existing one, users can generate a copy and rename it. This copy is exclusive to the user and can be modified independently, providing flexibility in flow management.
  4. Sharing a Flow with Colleagues
    To share a flow with a colleague, utilize the contextual menu and select 'Send a Copy.' The recipient will receive an autonomous copy of the flow. However, there are limitations to this feature:
  5. Limitations on Sending Flows
    Before sending a flow, ensure it meets the following criteria: - The flow must not have been modified without testing. - It should not contain identity data, such as team names or email addresses. To share a flow containing sensitive information, users must anonymize it by removing any blocks that refer to teams, users, or email addresses.
  6. Finalizing the Flow Copy
    After modifying the flow, users should test it and finalize the sending process by specifying a mandatory title and description. The recipient will be notified via email and will need to make modifications to ensure the flow is functional.
  7. Using the Share Button
    The simplest way to share a flow is by using the 'Share' button. This allows users to define a co-owner for the flow. Unlike sending a copy, the flow remains a single entity that can be modified by both the original user and the collaborator.
  8. Sharing Ownership with SharePoint
    Users can also share ownership of a flow with a SharePoint list or library. Those with editing rights on the list or library will automatically gain owner access to the flow, facilitating collaborative efforts.
  9. Execution Only Mode
    For certain types of flows, such as manually triggered instant flows, users can define shares in execution-only mode. This means the concerned user will only have execution authorization from the received email, limiting their access to the flow's editing capabilities.
  10. Conclusion
    Understanding these essential functionalities for sharing flows in Power Automate is crucial for effective collaboration. By following the outlined steps and being aware of the limitations, users can enhance their workflow and ensure smooth sharing processes.


What is a flow in Power Automate?

A flow in Power Automate is an automated workflow that connects various applications and services to perform tasks without manual intervention.

How can I share a flow with a colleague?

You can share a flow by using the share button to define a co-owner or by using the contextual menu to send a copy of the flow.

What should I do if my flow contains identity data?

If your flow contains identity data, you need to anonymize it by removing any references to teams, users, or email addresses before sharing.

What happens when I send a copy of a flow?

When you send a copy of a flow, the recipient receives an autonomous version that they can modify independently of the original.

Can I share a flow with users who have editing rights on a SharePoint list?

Yes, users with editing rights on a SharePoint list or library will automatically gain owner access to the flow associated with that list.

What is the difference between sharing a flow and sending a copy?

Sharing a flow allows for collaborative editing, while sending a copy creates an independent version for the recipient.

Quelques cas d'usages :

Automating Team Notifications

A marketing team can create a flow that automatically sends notifications to team members when new leads are added to their CRM. By sharing the flow with the team, they can collaboratively modify it to include additional conditions or notifications.

Data Collection and Reporting

An HR department can use a flow to collect employee feedback through forms and automatically compile the results into a SharePoint list. By sharing ownership with team members, they can ensure the flow is updated with new reporting requirements.

Streamlining Customer Support

A customer support team can create a flow that routes incoming support tickets to the appropriate team members based on predefined criteria. By sending copies of the flow to new team members, they can quickly onboard them to the process.

Event Registration Management

An event management team can use a flow to automate the registration process for events. By sharing the flow with the event coordinators, they can collaboratively manage changes and ensure the flow meets the evolving needs of the event.

Sales Lead Assignment

A sales team can implement a flow that automatically assigns new leads to sales representatives based on their availability. By using execution only mode, they can allow team members to run the flow without modifying it, ensuring consistency in lead assignment.

Glossaire :


A flow is an automated workflow that connects different applications and services to perform tasks automatically.

Contextual Menu

A contextual menu is a menu that appears upon user interaction, providing options relevant to the selected item or area.


To anonymize means to remove or alter personal identifiers from data to protect the privacy of individuals.


A co-owner is a user who shares ownership of a flow, allowing them to modify and manage it alongside the original owner.


SharePoint is a web-based collaboration platform that integrates with Microsoft Office, allowing users to share and manage content, knowledge, and applications.

Execution Only Mode

Execution only mode allows users to run a flow without the ability to modify it, providing limited access to the flow's functionalities.

from the my flow section.
You will find all your flows, whether they are scheduled recurring or automated.
If you wish to create a new flow with the
same structure as an existing one from the list,
you can generate a copy and rename it.
This copy will only be available to you and can be modified independently.
If you wish to send this flow to a colleague, use the contextual menu and choose,
send a copy.
The recipient will then be able to retrieve an
autonomous copy of this flow as their own.
Be aware of the limitations of this feature.
If the flow has been modified without being tested, sending it is impossible.
if the flow contains identity data such as a team's team name or email address,
sending, it is also impossible.
You will need to modify your flow to anonymize it
by removing blocks referring to teams users or email addresses,
which can be restrictive
afterward, test the flow
and finalize the sending of the copy
by specifying a mandatory title and description.
The recipient will be notified by email of the reception of the flow
and will need to modify it to make it functional.
The simplest way to share a flow is to use the share button
which allows you to define a co-owner.
The flow will not be sent as a copy but
will remain a single flow modifiable by you and your collaborator
shared flows will appear in the items shared with me section.
It is also possible to share the ownership of a flow with a SharePoint list or library
users with editing rights on this list or
library will automatically gain owner access to the flow
for certain types of flows such as manually triggered instant flows.
You can define shares in execution only mode.
The concerned user will only have
execution authorization from the received email.
These are the essential functionalities to remember
for sharing flows in power automate.

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