FindTime - Answering a scheduling poll Tutorial

Learn how to respond to a meeting poll in the video titled "Answering a scheduling poll" You will discover how to choose your preferred dates from the provided options, indicate your availability, and submit your response.

This video will help you understand how to respond to an email invitation effectively and communicate your availability for a meeting.

  • 1:14

Objectifs :

This video aims to guide recipients on how to effectively respond to a scheduling poll, ensuring they understand the steps involved in the process and the importance of their input.

Chapitres :

  1. Introduction to Scheduling Polls
    Scheduling polls are tools used to find a suitable time for meetings or events among participants. This video provides a step-by-step guide on how to respond to such polls effectively.
  2. Accessing the Poll
    As a recipient of a scheduling poll, your first step is to respond to each proposal. To do this, follow these instructions: - Click on the 'Vote' button to open the poll webpage. - Select your name to access the poll. Note: The sender has implemented identity verification for participants, which means you must log in using a professional or school account, or enter a code sent to you via email.
  3. Adjusting Time Zone Settings
    Once you are on the poll page, you may need to adjust the time zone settings to ensure that the proposed time slots are relevant to your location. This step is crucial for accurate scheduling.
  4. Responding to Proposed Time Slots
    On the poll page, you will see the proposed time slots. Here’s how to respond: - Indicate whether the proposed time slots suit you or not. - If you have a preference for a specific time, make sure to indicate that as well. By default, the poll creator has already responded 'yes' to the proposed slots.
  5. Viewing Other Participants' Responses
    You can view the response status of other participants. If someone has not responded yet, you will see a question mark next to their name. This feature helps you gauge the availability of others.
  6. Suggesting Additional Time Slots
    Depending on the settings chosen by the poll creator, you may have the option to suggest an additional time slot. This allows for greater flexibility and consideration of everyone's schedules.
  7. Confirming Your Responses
    After reviewing and responding to the proposed time slots, click 'Vote' to confirm your responses. This final step ensures that your preferences are recorded.
  8. Conclusion
    Responding to scheduling polls is an important part of collaborative planning. By following these steps, you can ensure that your availability is accurately represented, facilitating smoother scheduling for all participants.


What is a scheduling poll?

A scheduling poll is a tool that allows participants to indicate their availability for a meeting or event by selecting preferred time slots.

How do I respond to a scheduling poll?

To respond to a scheduling poll, click on the 'Vote' button in the email or message you received, log in with your professional or school account, adjust your time zone if necessary, and select your preferred time slots.

What if I don't have a professional or school account?

If you do not have a professional or school account, you may need to enter a verification code sent to your email to access the poll.

Can I suggest additional time slots in the poll?

Depending on the settings chosen by the poll creator, you may have the option to suggest additional time slots for consideration.

What does the response status indicate?

The response status shows whether other participants have responded to the poll. A question mark indicates that they have not yet responded.

Quelques cas d'usages :

Team Meeting Scheduling

A project manager can use a scheduling poll to find a suitable time for a team meeting, allowing all team members to indicate their availability and preferences.

Event Planning

An event coordinator can utilize a scheduling poll to determine the best date and time for an upcoming event, ensuring maximum attendance by considering participants' availability.

Class Scheduling for Students

A teacher can create a scheduling poll to find the best time for a class or study group, allowing students to vote on their preferred time slots.

Client Meetings

A sales representative can send a scheduling poll to clients to arrange meetings, making it easier to coordinate times that work for both parties.

Remote Team Coordination

A remote team leader can use a scheduling poll to organize virtual meetings across different time zones, ensuring that all team members can participate.

Glossaire :

scheduling poll

A tool used to gather availability from participants for a meeting or event, allowing them to indicate their preferred time slots.

identity verification

A process that ensures the identity of participants, often requiring them to log in with a professional or school account or enter a verification code.

time zone

A region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. Adjusting the time zone is important to ensure that meeting times are accurate for all participants.

poll creator

The individual who sets up the scheduling poll and determines the available time slots for participants to choose from.

response status

Indicates whether participants have responded to the poll, showing options like 'yes', 'no', or 'not responded'.

As a recipient of a scheduling poll,
you are asked to respond to each proposal.
Click on Vote to open a web page.
Select your name to access the poll.
The sender has set up identity
verification for participants,
so you must log in with a
professional or school account,
or enter a code sent by e-mail.
Now on the poll page, if needed,
adjust the time zone.
Respond to whether the proposed
time slots suit you or not,
and indicate if you have a
preference for a specific time.
By default, the pull creator has already
responded yes to the proposed slots.
You can see the response status of
other participants and a question
mark if they haven't responded yet.
Depending on the settings
chosen by the poll creator,
you may be able to suggest an additional
time slot as well as other participants.
Click vote to confirm your responses.

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Como destinatário de uma sondagem de agendamento,
É-lhe pedido que responda a cada proposta.
Clique em Votar para abrir uma página web.
Selecione seu nome para acessar a enquete.
O remetente configurou a identidade
verificação dos participantes,
por isso, deve iniciar sessão com um
conta profissional ou escolar,
ou insira um código enviado por e-mail.
Agora, na página da enquete, se necessário,
Ajuste o fuso horário.
Responder se a proposta
as faixas horárias convêm ou não,
e indique se tem uma
preferência por um tempo específico.
Por padrão, o criador do pull já
responderam afirmativamente às faixas horárias propostas.
Você pode ver o status da resposta de
outros participantes e uma pergunta
marque se ainda não responderam.
Dependendo das configurações
escolhido pelo criador da sondagem,
poderá sugerir um suplemento adicional
faixa horária, bem como outros participantes.
Clique em votar para confirmar suas respostas.

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