Teams - How to search a file in all channels Tutorial

In this video, you will learn how to search for a file in all channels using Microsoft Teams.
The video covers the use of the search engine to locate files, regardless of the channel they are stored in.
This will help you quickly find the documents you need within Teams.

  • 0:29

Objectifs :

Learn how to effectively use the search engine in Microsoft Teams to locate files across all channels.

Chapitres :

  1. Introduction to Microsoft Teams Search Functionality
    Microsoft Teams offers a powerful search engine that allows users to quickly locate files and documents across all channels. This feature is essential for enhancing productivity and ensuring that important information is easily accessible.
  2. How to Use the Search Engine
    To begin your search in Microsoft Teams, follow these simple steps: 1. **Locate the Search Bar**: At the top of the Teams interface, you will find a search bar. 2. **Enter Your Search Query**: Type in keywords or phrases related to the file you are looking for. 3. **View Search Results**: Once you hit enter, a list of documents that match your search criteria will appear, regardless of the channel they are stored in.
  3. Understanding Search Results
    The search results will display all relevant documents from various channels. This means you do not need to remember which channel a file is in, as the search engine aggregates results from all available channels, making it easier to find what you need.
  4. Practical Example
    For instance, if you are looking for a project report titled 'Q1 Sales Analysis', simply type 'Q1 Sales Analysis' into the search bar. The search engine will return all documents with that title or related keywords, allowing you to quickly access the information you need.
  5. Conclusion
    Utilizing the search engine in Microsoft Teams is a straightforward yet powerful way to enhance your workflow. By following the steps outlined above, you can efficiently locate files across all channels, saving time and improving collaboration.


How do I use the search engine in Microsoft Teams?

To use the search engine in Microsoft Teams, simply type your query into the search bar at the top of the application. The search will return results from all channels, showing documents and conversations that match your search terms.

Can I search for documents in specific channels in Teams?

Yes, while the search engine in Teams searches across all channels, you can refine your search by specifying the channel name in your query to find documents stored in that particular channel.

What types of documents can I find using the search feature in Teams?

You can find various types of documents using the search feature in Teams, including Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, and PDFs, as long as they are stored within the Teams environment.

What should I do if I can't find a document using the search engine?

If you can't find a document using the search engine, ensure that you are using the correct keywords. You may also want to check if the document is stored in a channel you have access to or if it has been deleted.

Quelques cas d'usages :

Finding Project Documents

A project manager can use the search engine in Teams to quickly locate all documents related to a specific project, regardless of which channel they are stored in, improving efficiency in project management.

Collaborative Research

A research team can utilize the search feature to find relevant studies and reports shared across different channels, facilitating collaboration and ensuring that all team members have access to necessary information.

Onboarding New Employees

During the onboarding process, HR can use the search engine to gather all training materials and documents from various channels, providing new employees with comprehensive resources to get started.

Glossaire :

Search Engine

A software system designed to carry out web searches, allowing users to find information stored in various locations, such as documents in Microsoft Teams.


Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that integrates chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration, enabling teamwork and communication.


Specific sections within Microsoft Teams where teams can communicate and collaborate on different topics or projects. Each channel can contain its own conversations, files, and tabs.


Files that contain information, which can be in various formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or PDFs, and can be stored and shared within Teams.

The list of documents that match your search appears regardless of the channel they are stored in.

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Verwenden Sie die Suchmaschine, um eine Datei in Teams zu finden, führt eine Suche in allen Kanälen.
Die Liste der Dokumente, die mit Ihrer Suche übereinstimmen, wird unabhängig vom Kanal angezeigt, in dem sie gespeichert sind.

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Utilice el motor de búsqueda para localizar un archivo en los equipos, realiza una búsqueda en todos los canales.
La lista de documentos que coinciden con tu búsqueda aparece independientemente del canal en el que se almacenen.

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Use o mecanismo de pesquisa para localizar um arquivo em equipes, ele faz uma pesquisa em todos os canais.
A lista de documentos que correspondem à sua pesquisa é exibida independentemente do canal em que estão armazenados.

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Gebruik de zoekmachine om een bestand in teams te lokaliseren, het doet een zoekopdracht in alle kanalen.
De lijst met documenten die overeenkomen met uw zoekopdracht wordt weergegeven, ongeacht het kanaal waarin ze zijn opgeslagen.

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Utilizzare il motore di ricerca per individuare un file in Teams, esegue una ricerca in tutti i canali.
L'elenco dei documenti che corrispondono alla ricerca viene visualizzato indipendentemente dal canale in cui sono archiviati.

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使用搜尋引擎在 Teams 中查找檔,它會在所有管道中執行搜索。

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検索エンジンを使用して Teams でファイルを検索し、すべてのチャネルで検索を行います。

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Sử dụng công cụ tìm kiếm để định vị tệp trong teams, tìm kiếm trong tất cả các kênh.
Danh sách các tài liệu phù hợp với tìm kiếm của bạn sẽ xuất hiện bất kể kênh được lưu trữ ở đâu.

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Gunakan mesin telusur untuk menemukan file di teams, pencarian di semua saluran.
Daftar dokumen yang cocok dengan penelusuran Anda akan muncul terlepas dari saluran yang mereka Simpan.

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Используйте поисковую систему, чтобы найти файл в командах, он делает поиск во всех каналах.
Список документов, которые соответствуют вашему поиску, отображается независимо от канала, в который они хранятся.

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Използвайте търсачката, за да намерите файл в Teams, тя извършва търсене във всички канали.
Списъкът с документи, които съответстват на търсенето, се показва независимо от канала, в който се съхраняват.

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Utilizați motorul de căutare pentru a localiza un fișier în Echipe, face o căutare în toate canalele.
Apare lista de documente care corespund căutării dvs., indiferent de canalul în care sunt stocate.

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Скористайтеся пошуковою системою, щоб знайти файл у teams, він робить пошук у всіх каналах.
Список документів, які відповідають умовам пошуку, відображається незалежно від каналу, в якому вони зберігаються.

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Użyj wyszukiwarki, aby zlokalizować plik w zespołach, wykonuje wyszukiwanie we wszystkich kanałach.
Lista dokumentów pasuszych do wyszukiwania jest wyświetlana niezależnie od kanału, w jakim są przechowywane.

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Takımlar bir dosya bulmak için Arama motorunu kullanın, tüm kanallarda bir arama yapar.
Aramanızla eşleşen belgelerin listesi, depolandıkları kanaldan bağımsız olarak görüntülenir.

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Use o motor de busca para localizar um ficheiro em Equipas, faz uma pesquisa em todos os canais.
A lista de documentos que correspondam à sua pesquisa aparece independentemente do canal em que estão armazenados.

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Koristite pretraživač da biste pronašli datoteku u timovima, ona pretražuje sve kanale.
Lista dokumenata koji se podudaraju sa vašom pretragom pojavljuje se bez obzira na kanal u kom su uskladišteni.

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تظهر قائمة المستندات التي تطابق بحثك بغض النظر عن القناة المخزنة فيها.

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