Teams - How to set quiet hours Tutorial

In this video, you will learn how to set quiet hours in the Office application Teams.
By activating this feature, you can specify specific hours during which you do not want to receive notifications.
This will help you avoid disturbances and stay focused during those hours.

  • 0:32

Objectifs :

Learn how to set specific hours in Microsoft Teams to avoid receiving notifications, ensuring uninterrupted work time.

Chapitres :

  1. Introduction to Notification Settings in Teams
    In today's fast-paced work environment, managing notifications is crucial for maintaining focus and productivity. Microsoft Teams offers a feature that allows users to set specific hours during which they do not wish to receive notifications. This guide will walk you through the steps to activate this feature, helping you create a distraction-free work environment.
  2. Setting Specific Hours for Notifications
    To set specific hours in Microsoft Teams, follow these steps: 1. **Open Microsoft Teams**: Launch the Teams application on your device. 2. **Access Settings**: Click on your profile picture in the top right corner to open the menu, then select 'Settings'. 3. **Navigate to Notifications**: In the Settings menu, find and click on the 'Notifications' tab. 4. **Set Quiet Hours**: Look for the option labeled 'Quiet hours' or 'Do not disturb'. Here, you can specify the start and end times for your quiet hours. 5. **Activate the Feature**: Once you have set your desired hours, ensure the feature is activated. You will now no longer receive notifications during these specified times.
  3. Benefits of Setting Quiet Hours
    Activating quiet hours in Microsoft Teams provides several benefits: - **Increased Focus**: By minimizing distractions, you can concentrate better on your tasks. - **Improved Work-Life Balance**: Setting boundaries for notifications helps maintain a healthy separation between work and personal time. - **Enhanced Productivity**: With fewer interruptions, you can complete tasks more efficiently.
  4. Conclusion
    In conclusion, setting specific hours for notifications in Microsoft Teams is a simple yet effective way to enhance your productivity and focus. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a more conducive work environment that allows you to manage your time effectively. Embrace this feature to enjoy uninterrupted work hours and improve your overall work experience.


How do I set specific hours for notifications in Microsoft Teams?

To set specific hours for notifications in Microsoft Teams, go to your settings, find the 'Notifications' section, and select 'Quiet hours' to specify the times you do not want to receive alerts.

What happens when I activate quiet hours in Teams?

When you activate quiet hours in Teams, you will not receive notifications during the specified times, allowing you to focus without interruptions.

Can I customize notification settings in Teams?

Yes, you can customize notification settings in Teams by accessing the settings menu and adjusting preferences for messages, calls, and other alerts.

Are notifications completely turned off during quiet hours?

Yes, notifications are completely turned off during quiet hours, but you can still receive messages; they will just not alert you until the quiet hours end.

Quelques cas d'usages :

Managing Work-Life Balance

By setting specific hours for notifications in Teams, employees can better manage their work-life balance, ensuring they are not disturbed during personal time.

Improving Focus During Meetings

Activating quiet hours can help professionals maintain focus during important meetings by preventing distractions from incoming notifications.

Enhancing Productivity

Teams users can enhance productivity by scheduling quiet hours during peak work times, allowing them to concentrate on tasks without interruptions.

Setting Boundaries for Remote Work

Remote workers can use the quiet hours feature to set boundaries with colleagues, ensuring they are only contacted during designated work hours.

Glossaire :


Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that combines workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration.


Notifications are alerts or messages that inform users about updates, messages, or activities within an application.


A feature is a specific functionality or capability of a software application that enhances its usability.


To activate means to enable a feature or function within a software application.

When this feature is activated, you will no longer be disturbed during these hours.

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In den Office-Anwendungsteams können Sie bestimmte Stunden festlegen, für die Sie keine Benachrichtigungen erhalten möchten.
Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist, werden Sie während dieser Stunden nicht mehr gestört.

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En los equipos de aplicación de Office, puede establecer horas específicas para las que no desea recibir notificaciones.
Cuando esta función está activada, ya no se le molestará durante estas horas.

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Nas equipes de aplicativos do Office, você pode definir horas específicas para as quais não deseja receber notificações.
Quando esse recurso é ativado, você não será mais perturbado durante essas horas.

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In de Office-toepassings teams u specifieke uren instellen waarvoor u geen meldingen wilt ontvangen.
Wanneer deze functie is geactiveerd, zult u niet langer gestoord worden tijdens deze uren.

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Nell'applicazione di Office Teams è possibile impostare orari specifici per i quali non si desidera ricevere notifiche.
Quando questa funzione è attivata, non sarai più disturbato durante queste ore.

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在 Office 應用程式團隊中,您可以設置不希望接收通知的特定時間。

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Office アプリケーション チームでは、通知を受け取りたくない特定の時間を設定できます。

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Trong ứng dụng Office teams, bạn có thể đặt giờ cụ thể mà bạn không muốn nhận thông báo.
Khi tính năng này được kích hoạt, bạn sẽ không còn bị quấy rầy trong những giờ này.

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Di tim aplikasi Office, Anda dapat menetapkan jam tertentu yang tidak ingin Anda terima notifikasinya.
Bila fitur ini diaktifkan, Anda tidak akan lagi terganggu selama jam tersebut.

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В командах приложений Office можно установить определенные часы, в течение которых вы не хотите получать уведомления.
Когда эта функция активируется, вы больше не будете беспокоиться в течение этих часов.

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В екипите на приложението на Office можете да зададете определени часове, за които не искате да получавате известия.
Когато тази функция е активирана, вече няма да ви безпокоят в тези часове.

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În echipele de aplicații Office, puteți seta anumite ore pentru care nu doriți să primiți notificări.
Când această caracteristică este activată, nu veți mai fi deranjat în timpul acestor ore.

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У групах застосунків Office можна встановити певні години, для яких не потрібно отримувати сповіщення.
Якщо цю функцію активовано, вас більше не буде турбовано протягом цих годин.

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W zespołach aplikacji pakietu Office można ustawić określone godziny, dla których nie chcesz otrzymywać powiadomień.
Po włączeniu tej funkcji nie będzie już przeszkadzać w tych godzinach.

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Office uygulama ekiplerinde, bildirim almak istemediğiniz belirli saatleri ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Bu özellik etkinleştirildiğinde, bu saatlerde artık rahatsız olmazsınız.

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Nas equipas de candidatura do Office, pode definir horas específicas para as quais não pretende receber notificações.
Quando esta função for ativada, deixará de ser perturbado durante estas horas.

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U Office timovima za aplikacije možete podesiti određene sate za koje ne želite da primate obaveštenja.
Kada se ova funkcija aktivira, više nećete biti uznemireni tokom ovih sati.

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عند تنشيط هذه الميزة، لن يتم إزعاجك بعد الآن خلال هذه الساعات.

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