Teams - Communicate Behind the Scenes Tutorial

Communicate effectively using chat during live broadcasts. Stay in touch with organizers and presenters, even from a distance. Find out how to optimize your communication during live events.

  • 0:56

Objectifs :

This document aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to effectively communicate during a live event, especially when participants are in different locations. It outlines the necessary steps for using chat features, managing audio and video settings, and ensuring a smooth communication experience.

Chapitres :

  1. Introduction to Live Event Communication
    In a live event, effective communication is crucial, particularly when participants are located in different places. This guide will help you navigate the communication tools available during the broadcast, ensuring that all participants can engage seamlessly.
  2. Using the Chat Feature
    During the event, you may need to communicate through chat. To do this, follow these steps: - Click on the chat icon, similar to how you would in a regular meeting. - Note that this chat will only be visible to the organizers and presenters; participants will not see these exchanges. - When you send a message, a notification will appear, and it will automatically be included in the event's conversation.
  3. Managing Camera Settings
    It is important to manage your camera settings during the event: - Ensure that the cameras on the left side are turned off-screen, as they are not meant to be visible to the audience. - By default, participants' microphones are automatically muted. If this is not the case, you can mute them manually.
  4. Adjusting Audio Settings
    To adjust audio settings for participants, follow these steps: 1. Click on the three dots in the settings menu. 2. Select 'Meeting Options'. 3. Enable 'Allow Microphone for Participants'. You can apply similar settings for the cameras to ensure a smooth experience.
  5. Conclusion
    Effective communication during a live event is essential for its success. By utilizing the chat feature, managing camera settings, and adjusting audio settings, you can enhance the interaction and engagement of all participants. Following these guidelines will help ensure a professional and organized event.


How can I communicate during a live event?

You can communicate during a live event by using the chat feature, which allows you to send messages that are visible only to the organizers and presenters.

What should I do if I can't hear other participants?

If you can't hear other participants, check your microphone settings to ensure that your audio input is enabled and that your device's volume is turned up.

Are participants' microphones muted by default?

Yes, participants' microphones are automatically muted by default to minimize background noise during the event.

Can I turn on my camera during the event?

Yes, you can turn on your camera by adjusting the camera settings in the meeting options.

What happens if I send a message in the chat?

When you send a message in the chat, a notification appears, and it will automatically be included in the event's conversation for the organizers to see.

Quelques cas d'usages :

Virtual Conferences

During virtual conferences, participants can use the chat feature to ask questions or provide feedback without interrupting the speaker, enhancing engagement.


In webinars, organizers can mute participants to maintain control over the audio, while still allowing for interaction through the chat function.

Online Training Sessions

In online training sessions, trainers can manage participant microphones and cameras to ensure a smooth learning experience, allowing for focused discussions.

Remote Team Meetings

During remote team meetings, team members can communicate via chat while keeping their microphones muted to avoid distractions, ensuring effective collaboration.

Glossaire :

Live event

An event that is broadcast in real-time, allowing participants to engage and interact as it happens.


A text-based communication tool used during live events to facilitate conversation among participants.


Individuals who attend or engage in a live event, either as audience members or active contributors.

Microphone settings

Options available to manage audio input from participants, including muting or allowing microphones.

Camera settings

Options available to manage video input from participants, including turning cameras on or off.


An alert that informs users of new messages or updates during the event.

Mating settings

Settings related to the configuration of audio and video options for participants in a live event.

During a Live event it May be necessory
to communicate during the broadcast and
specialy if you are physique in different
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