Teams - Apply a Specific Policy to a User Tutorial

Dress up your learning by applying a strategy specific to each user. Learn how to personalize content and teaching methods to optimize the learning experience and the results obtained.

  • 1:22

Objectifs :

This document aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to apply limitations or exceptional authorizations for users in the Microsoft Admin Center, specifically regarding live event policies. It will outline the steps to modify user policies and highlight the importance of pre-created policies.

Chapitres :

  1. Introduction
    In today's digital landscape, ensuring security and personalized access for users is crucial. This guide focuses on how to manage user permissions in the Microsoft Admin Center, particularly for live events. By following these steps, administrators can effectively control who has the authority to schedule and manage live events.
  2. Accessing User Policies
    To begin, navigate to the Microsoft Admin Center. Here are the steps to access the user policies: 1. **Select the User**: Identify and select the user account for which you want to apply limitations or exceptional authorizations. 2. **View Policies**: Click on the 'View Policies' button located at the bottom of the page. This will display all policies currently applied to the selected user.
  3. Understanding Default Policies
    By default, the global policy is applied across the organization. This means that if the administrator has authorized the scheduling of live events, the concerned users will have this authority by default. It is essential to understand how these default settings impact user permissions.
  4. Modifying User Policies
    To change the live event policy for a user, follow these steps: 1. **Edit Policy**: Click on the 'Edit' button in the context pane that appears on the right side of the screen. 2. **Select Live Event Policy**: Use the dropdown list for the live event policy to display the applicable options. 3. **Pre-created Policies**: Note that a new policy cannot be created directly from this list; it must be pre-created in another menu. 4. **Apply Policy**: For example, select the policy named 'New Recording Theme' and click on 'Apply' in the list of policies for the user. 5. **Validation**: The specific modification will be visible upon validation.
  5. Conclusion
    In summary, managing user permissions in the Microsoft Admin Center is vital for maintaining security and personalized access. By understanding how to modify live event policies and the importance of pre-created policies, administrators can ensure that users have the appropriate authority to manage live events effectively. For further guidance, additional tutorial videos are available to assist in navigating the dedicated section for live events.


What is the Microsoft Admin Center?

The Microsoft Admin Center is a centralized platform for administrators to manage Microsoft services, user accounts, and organizational settings.

How do I apply a Live Events Policy to a user?

To apply a Live Events Policy, go to the Microsoft Admin Center, select the user, click on the View Policy button, and choose the appropriate policy from the dropdown list.

Can I create a new policy directly from the user settings?

No, a new policy cannot be created directly from the user settings. It must be created in a separate menu before it can be applied to a user.

What is a Global Policy?

A Global Policy is a default policy that applies to all users in the organization unless a specific policy is assigned to an individual user.

What should I do if I want to change a user's Live Events Policy?

To change a user's Live Events Policy, select the user in the Microsoft Admin Center, click the edit button, and choose a different policy from the dropdown list.

Quelques cas d'usages :

Managing Live Events in a Corporate Setting

In a corporate environment, administrators can use the Microsoft Admin Center to manage Live Events Policies for employees. By applying specific policies, they can control who has the authority to schedule live events, ensuring that only authorized personnel can host important meetings or webinars.

Customizing User Access for Security

Organizations can enhance security by customizing User Security Access (USA) settings. By applying limitations or exceptional authorizations, administrators can ensure that sensitive information is only accessible to users with the appropriate permissions.

Training Sessions for New Employees

When onboarding new employees, companies can set up specific Live Events Policies that allow them to participate in training sessions. By applying the correct policies, new hires can engage in live training without compromising security.

Event Management for Marketing Teams

Marketing teams can utilize the Live Events feature to host webinars and product launches. By managing policies through the Microsoft Admin Center, they can ensure that the right team members have the necessary permissions to schedule and manage these events.

Glossaire :


User Security Access, a term used to describe the permissions and access levels assigned to users within an organization.

Microsoft Admin Center

A web-based portal that allows administrators to manage Microsoft services and settings for their organization.

Live Events Policy

A set of rules and permissions that govern how live events can be scheduled and managed within an organization.

Global Policy

A policy that applies universally across an organization, affecting all users unless specifically overridden.

Edit Button

A user interface element that allows users to modify settings or configurations.

Dropdown List

A graphical control element that allows users to choose one value from a list of options.


A formal set of guidelines or rules that dictate how certain actions or processes should be handled within an organization.

In the interest of Security
and personalising Access,
you mind ned to apply a limitation
Or exceptional authorization to a
USA from the Microsoft admin Center.
First select the concerned USA,
then Click on the View police button here.
At the bottom of the page you will find
all the policy applied to this user.
We can quickly say which wants a
used for live events by default.
It is the global policy applyd
across the Organization.
This means that I if The Times
administrata has authorized the skeduling
of live events policy that concern uses
will have this Authority by default.
To change this setting,
click on the edit button in the context
pind that appeas on the right eight
policy for the user can be modified.
Used the dropdown list for the
Live event policy to display
these that will be applicable.
It is important Tonight that a New policy
can dont be created directly from this list.
It must of being previessy
created in another menu.
Another tutorial vidéo existe to Guild
you in the pot dedicad to live events.
Fait des exemples,
we select the policy named
New recording thème.
Clique on apply in the list
of police for the user.
The spécific modification is
visible appond validation.

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